Our Mission

Our Mission

Mission  Statement

The Foundation’s mission is to provide StFYC members and non-members with the opportunity to participate in world-class, international sailing events in highly competitive classes as non-professional sailors. The foundation also offers the ability to help fund junior and disadvantaged youth into sailing programs of traditionally equipped sailboats providing the necessary stepping stones to highly competitive and world championship caliber sailboat racing at international regattas.

The  Challenge

International regattas are often far outside the financial reach of so many aspiring sailors and the vehicle needs to exist to offer the financial wherewithal to promote sailing and the continuance of the sport of non-professional yacht racing. Furthermore, the ability for underprivileged youth or even the average-middle class family to have waterfront & sailing vessel access to “learn to sail” is often beyond their financial means and a necessary “first step” in invoking the passion of sailing…

The  Solution

The StFYC Intl Yacht Racing Foundation (501(c)3) offers a vehicle for tax deductible, charitable donations to support non-professional, non-Olympic Class Racing and fundamental sailing instruction.

Our Vision

Bringing people together to help children to get education, social help and all chances for a better life.

Our Vision

Bringing people together to help children to get education, social help and all chances for a better life.

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Our Mission

We connect people around the world in the fight to end poverty. Working together, we invest in the lives of children and youth.

Our Mission

We connect people around the world in the fight to end poverty. Working together, we invest in the lives of children and youth.

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Our Value

Human connections matter. We are all about relationships, collaboration, communication and teamwork.

Our Vision

Bringing people together to help children to get education, social help and all chances for a better life.

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$ 0 M+
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Funds Raised
$ 0 M+

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